на тему рефераты Информационно-образоательный портал
Рефераты, курсовые, дипломы, научные работы,
на тему рефераты
на тему рефераты
на тему рефераты
Efficiency of development of advertising
nterrogation of potential consumers? It is a method of gathering of the information. There is a version of interrogation which is called deep interrogation. It is applied to professional consumers, that is to experts of certain area. It consists in long conversation interrogated and the interviewer in which course it is found out, the requirement for what goods for today is available at interrogated, and also the information on knowledge, preferences and belief of people, on degree of their satisfaction [27, с.150] turns out. But this method, unfortunately, in our case is not present possibility to use. It speaks too a large attendance (presumably, Siberian region, is more exact heads of the various enterprises in Siberian region) and complexity of carrying out (duration of conversation is supposed till two o'clock). Naturally, to lead such discussion by phone it is rather difficult, and to provide personal meeting of the interviewer and interrogated it is almost impossible because of their big number. At an advertising campaign estimation simple interrogation of potential consumers will be used. For this purpose employees of Open Company "Натали" develop the questionnaire which questions it is offered to answer consumers at "the Siberian Fair" during an exhibition and in specialised shops on sale of window, door blocks, building materials, and also in halls of the trading equipment. Services of the photographer will manage in the following sum. Cost of one photo in the size 10 and #61620; 15см. It is equal 50 roubles,20 and #61620; 30 see - 200 roubles. Departure of the photographer costs 300 roubles. To be necessary 3 photos in the size 10 and #61620; 15 see Hence, expenses on services of the photographer make 3 * 50 + 300 = 450 roubles. Advertising messages in printing editions will be executed in colour. Printing editions give quotations on the publication of the advertising information or counting on one square centimetre, or for one module which comprises some square centimetres. Thus modules happen a different configuration: extended on width (for example, 8 see and #61620; 4 see or 12,8 and #61620; 8,1 sm), extended on height (12,8 and #61620; 37,7 see). Each edition independently defines the size of modules. Magazine? Supply and sale? For the colour advertisement offers the module equal of the one eighth strip that will make 58,5 sq. This module see there are 1980 rbl. for one exit. Hence, considering, what the magazine leaves twice a month, expenses will make 2* 1980 = 3960 rbl. the Newspaper? Offers? Suggests to print the colour advertising message in the form of the module which dimension 33 sq. see, and its cost 920 rbl. There is a newspaper four times a month. Thus, on the announcement publication in the newspaper? Offers? It is necessary to spend 920 rbl. * 4 = 3680 rbl. a month. A weekly journal? The Siberian advertising? Suggests to print the colour announcement of any size. Cost of square centimetre of its area / sq. see the second colour page 39 of rbl.; 26 rbl. / sq. see the third colour page (it is penultimate page); 23 rbl. / sq. see the fourth colour page (it is last page) the area of the advertisement and in that, and other edition it is supposed 7*7 = 49 sq. see Hence, for the edition? The Siberian advertising? In a month 49* 39* 4 =7644 rbl. (on 2 page) are required; 26 *49 *4 = 5096 rbl. (on 3 page); 23 *49 *4 = 4508 rbl. (on 4 page). Considering that new, it is necessary to force to turn the advertised goods on it as much as possible potential consumers, that is it is expedient to place the advertising message on the second page.

For manufacturing of one separate poster with the metal basis in the size of 1,2 m and #61620; 1,8 m are necessary 6000 rbl. It is supposed to use such two posters. Hence, Except manufacturing, posters it is necessary to place 6000*2 =12000 rbl. on city streets. For this purpose it is necessary to conclude the contract, to issue rent and to obtain the permit in city administration. It the advertising agency is engaged in all, and these services will cost about 7000 rbl. in the first month. The next months it will be necessary to pay only rent of the earth which will make about 200 roubles a month depending on a city district.

The total sum which needs to be spent for goods advancement makes more than 45 thousand rbl. the Russian legislation provides reference of advertising expenses on production cost price, but within certain specifications. For the given enterprise with volume of goods turnover to 30 million roubles this specification is equal 7,5% that in money terms makes 741,8 thousand roubles. Expenses on our advertising campaign do not exceed the given specification.

2.2 The estimation and the analysis of indicators of efficiency of the advertising campaign

Speaking about an advertising efficiency, assume, what profit will be brought by this action, how much a gain will exceed the means spent for its carrying out. In the given paragraph the question of efficiency of an advertising campaign on advancement of the new goods (aluminium windows) Open Company companies is considered Nataly. Are thus analyzed quantitative and quality indicators of efficiency of an advertising campaign. How it was already marked, quality indicators characterise mainly communicative advertising efficiency, quantitative? Mainly economic (trading) efficiency.

Calculation of requirement for investments for realisation of this advertising campaign is spent for 12 months during which it should pay off. Calculation is made according to technique ЮНИДО. Since 1999 operate? Methodical recommendations about estimations of efficiency of investment projects?, confirmed by the Ministry of Finance and Gosstroy of Russia. Some advertising agencies believe that placing of the advertising message can bring to the enterprise increase in a gain at 50%. In our opinion from realisation of publicity the enterprise expects gain increase approximately for 20 percent. By the current moment time level the gain without the tax to the added cost makes 8242569 roubles. Hence, expected level of a gain will be equal 9891082,8 roubles. The increase in a gain from production realisation will make 1648513,8 roubles a year. Proceeding from former level of industrial expenses, it is supposed that the new volume of expenses will be equal 7938067,2 rbl. That is expenses will increase for 1323011,2 rbl. a year. For calculation of norm of discount the percent of inflation at a rate of 14%, bank percent - 15%, a risk level for the new goods - 13% is accepted. As a result of calculation the norm of discount will make 42% a year. In the given technique concepts of capital investments are used, which will make for the zero period of 44681 roubles (is the requirement for money for contract and rent registration on the earth; creation of a poster and photos; carrying out of marketing researches) and 15684 roubles for the following period. Methodical recommendations is provided to estimate efficiency of the project as a whole and efficiency of participation in the project. The estimation of efficiency of the project is assumed as a whole by definition of potential appeal of the project for possible participants and searches of sources of financing. Efficiency of participation in the project is defined for check of a realizability of the project and interest in it of all its participants. The choice of the investment project is based on calculation of economic indicators of efficiency in which quality it is recommended to define:

1) the net profit;

2) the pure discounted income;

3) internal norm of profitableness;

4) requirement for additional financing;

5) indexes of profitableness of expenses and investments;

6) a time of recovery of outlay; group of the indicators characterising a financial condition of the enterprise? The participant of the project. The indicators of efficiency set forth above pay off on the basis of definition of a monetary stream of the project. Any project represents the operation connected with reception of incomes and of expenses, that is it generates monetary streams. As monetary streams understand dependence on time of monetary receipts and payments at realisation of the project generating it, defined for all settlement period. The settlement period covers an interval from the beginning of the project before its end. At a project estimation use also the saved up monetary stream. Its characteristics? The saved up inflow, the saved up outflow and the saved up balance are defined on each step of the settlement period as the sum for flowing and all previous steps. At definition of efficiency of the given project capital investments concern outflows (the expense of money resources); expenses for working capital increase. And as inflows receipts of money resources act. We will define the basic indicators of efficiency of advertising activity.1. The net profit (ЧД)? It is the saved up effect (balance of a monetary stream) for all settlement period: ЧД = and #931; фт, (2.1) where фт? A monetary stream, thousand rbl.2. The pure discounted stream (ЧДД)? The saved up discounted effect for the settlement period: ЧДД = and #931; фт * and # 945; т * (), (2.2) where and #945; т? Discounting factor (reduction of monetary values of monetary streams occurring at different times to value for the certain moment of time? The reduction moment), it pays off under the formula 2.3 Е? Norm of discount; it is set by investors or participants of the project for a year. In this case it includes the amendment on the risk, 13% equal for a new product, also it includes bank percent (15%) and inflation percent (13%); Е = 41%; and #913; т = 1/[ (1+Е) ^tt-t0], (2.3) where tт? The moment of the termination or the beginning of t that step; t0? The reduction moment, gets out any way. ЧД and ЧДД characterise excess of total monetary receipts over total expenses for the project. Difference (CHD-CHDD) name project discount. For a project recognition effective it is necessary, that ЧДД was positive.3. Internal to profitableness holes (ВНД)? Eve's this such positive number at which equality to norm of discount (Е=Ев) ЧДД it is equal to zero. At Е and #61502; Eves ЧДД it is negative, at Е and # 61500; Eves? It is positive. Hence, for an estimation of efficiency of the project it is necessary to compare Eves with norm of discount Е. If Eves> Е, we have positive ЧДД and consequently the project is effective.4. A time of recovery of outlay? It is duration of the period from the initial moment till the recoupment moment. The recoupment moment considers that moment of time after which the current net profit becomes and further remains non-negative.5. A time of recovery of outlay taking into account discounting? It is duration of the period from the initial moment till the moment of a recoupment taking into account discounting which is defined as time moment after which the current net profit becomes and further remains non-negative.6. Requirement for additional financing (ПФ)? This maximum value of absolute size of negative memory balance from investment activity. Size ПФ shows the minimum volume of external financing of the project, necessary for maintenance of its financial realizability.7. Requirement for additional financing taking into account discount (ДПФ)? The maximum value of absolute size of the negative memory discounted balance from investment activity. Size ДПФ shows the minimum discounted volume of external financing of the project, necessary for maintenance of its financial realizability.8. Profitableness indexes characterise? Project return? On the means enclosed in it. At an efficiency estimation are often used:? An index of profitableness of expenses? The relation of the sum of monetary inflows to the sum of monetary outflows;? An index of profitableness of the discounted expenses? The relation of the sum of the discounted monetary streams to the sum of the discounted monetary outflows;? An index of profitableness of investments (ИД)? The relation of the sum of elements of a monetary stream from operational activity to absolute size of the sum of elements of a monetary stream from investment activity. ИД it is equal to relation ЧД increased by unit to memory volume of investments;? An index of profitableness of the discounted investments (ИДД)? The relation of the sum of the discounted elements of a monetary stream from operational activity to absolute size of the discounted sum of elements of a monetary stream from investment activity. ИДД it is equal increased by unit relation ЧДД to the memory discounted volume of investments. At calculation ИД and ИДД can be considered or all capital investments for the settlement period, or only initial capital investments.

Calculations show that the project pays off for three months both taking into account discounting and without it. So small time of recovery of outlay is received because the volume of financial investments was not great. Project discount is equal to 45,9 thousand rbl. project Discount? It is time aspect. He says that during realisation of the project cost of means of the investor has decreased on this size that in percentage terms from initial cost makes 20%. Indexes of profitableness of expenses and profitableness of the discounted expenses there is more than unit. It speaks about excess of the sums of monetary inflows over the sums of monetary outflows (taking into account discounting and without it). But their value not much more unit that speaks high norm of discount (42%). Positive value of the net profit says what the investment project? The advertising campaign - is capable to make profit, but this fact does not answer a question? Whether the project in time taking into account inflation and risk factors is effective. The answer to this question can give value of the pure discounted income. Efficiency of the project from the point of view of the investor according to a technique is defined, proceeding from positivity of value of the pure discounted income. In this case ЧДД> 0. Hence, the project is economically effective. Estimate communicative efficiency we can only after release of an advertising campaign of the new goods and after certain time. Thus the primary information on which basis the efficiency analysis will be made is required to us. There are three basic methods of gathering of the primary information: supervision, experiment, interrogation. The supervision method is used, when researchers directly trace actions of the studied person. The experimental method serves for measurement of cause and effect relations. It is used at trial marketing of new production in geographically isolated area and for trial carrying out of advertising campaigns more often. The most widespread way of gathering of the primary information is? Interrogation. By interrogation of real or potential buyers the researcher receives the information on their relation to purchase, learns their opinion on the goods and motives of carrying out. Specific methods are applied to an estimation of a communicative advertising efficiency: - studying the relation of consumers to the goods; - tests for storing; - psychophysical methods; - feedback methods. We will estimate indicators of the communicative advertising efficiency which maintenance will be published in printing editions. Developed by employees of Open Company "Натали" advertising also is presented in the appendix 4. The primary information for the advertising analysis is necessary for receiving from results of the spent trial advertising campaign with use of psychometric methods. The trial advertising campaign is informative enough method of advertising researches, does not require unlike other methods extrapolation on a real life. Its lack consists that it does not establish the reason of tearing away of advertising by the buyer. For liquidation of this lack, results of a trial advertising campaign are necessary for combining with psychometric research. Psychometric research is one of the most widespread and effective ways of testing of static advertising when the total impression of the seen advertising material is exposed to the analysis. It is based on drawing up of "perception cards". Answering special questionnaires, people estimate the seen message. Such testing of advertising is spent to two stages: to its exit on the market and after (in the course of carrying out of an advertising campaign and on its results). At the first stage tentative estimations of quality of advertising and its ability to execute tasks in view are given. By results of the first stage of testing it is possible to predict efficiency of influence of advertising on the consumer, to reveal its strong and weak places and if it is necessary, to correct the advertising message. At the second stage when the advertising message is let already out on the market and has passed certain time, sufficient for acquaintance with target audience advertising, testing allows to bring intermediate or an adjusted total. Testing held by us is aimed at forecasting of efficiency of influence of advertising for the consumer. It is the first stage of testing of advertising. In the third chapter we will define ways of increase of efficiency of an advertising campaign. They will be necessary for us to raise indicators of economic and communicative efficiency in the present paragraph. At carrying out of a trial advertising campaign in Open Company "Натали" the special advertising leaflets containing various advertisements, and also the questionnaire for an advertising estimation have been prepared. The questionnaire developed by employees of Open Company "Натали" for interrogations, is presented in the appendix 5. Interrogation was made: - at "the Siberian Fair" during exhibitions; - in specialised shops on sale of window, door blocks, building materials, and also in halls of the trading equipment. In total 350 respondents have been interrogated. From them nearby 300? Employees of the various companies of Novosibirsk, the others? Visitors of shops of the building materials, getting production for a private use. Interrogation was made as follows. The interrogated person was offered to see the booklet, and then to answer questionnaire questions.

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