на тему рефераты Информационно-образоательный портал
Рефераты, курсовые, дипломы, научные работы,
на тему рефераты
на тему рефераты
на тему рефераты
Entrepreneurial project Individual Project
b>4.0. The Proposition

The project developer aims at creating new for the region establishment - an institution, providing a juncture of production and service facilities, which intensify the site residents development.

The purpose is to be achieved by means of reconceptualization, reconstruction and redeveloping to meet the state-of-the-art economic conditions requirements.

A suggested positioning statement may be formulated as follows: “Himgrad” Industrial Park is one of the best possible locations for both small and medium-sized companies, providing a comprehensive services range along the entire customer value chain at comparatively low prices”.

So, the residents of the industrial park will get a complex product consisting of:

1. premises for lease; and

2. a range of services provided to residents as an essential and integral part of it.

Generally, the range of services provided to industrial parks residents is much wider than a usual scope of services for other types of leased property. If we speak about the comprehensive range of services, the concept of the “Himgrad” Industrial Park is focused on providing core (directly connected with the residents' manufacturing process, such as property management and complex energy supply) and additional services along the whole customer supply chain (see Fig 4).

Our mission is to provide companies in the industrial park with the infrastructure and customer-centric industrial services they need to focus fully on their core business. This circumstance enables to boost the competitiveness of both the industrial park and the tenant companies. We aim at creating favourable conditions (including e.g. tax remissions) for regional petrochemical industry development, by means of combining within one territory research and development, production, marketing & sales and logistics facilities providing a comprehensive range of services along the whole value chain for site residents

Fig 4

The complete technological infrastructure of the industrial park will serve the needs of the resident companies. The technological infrastructure (see Fig 5) comprises refrigerating stations, freight terminal, railway network, capacity park, electric power substation, machining process centre, gas-distributing post, pilot plants park, high-end technology park, corporate university, water treatment station, sewage disposal plants, compressor stations, fire station, aid post, heat and steam distribution point etc.

Fig 5

Our company aims at creating a unique business environment, assisting the residents in their efficient development. The effect is achieved via providing a number of intangible benefits to the residents. That is the compliance of our strategy to residents' development strategies, aiming at creating possible synergy from residents' interaction (the chance of finding future business partners and contractors increases, when, like in our industrial park, there exist both developing and mature companies), and employing authoritative resource, which becomes possible due to our active and close interaction with the Republic of Tatarstan government.

5.0. The Business Model

Our business-model is based on a global trend of separating infrastructure from chemical companies core business. Infrastructure is no more chemical industry core business, neither a supplementary part of it. The difference between the very nature of these two spheres of activity is so immense, that they hardly can go together (see Table 1).

Table 1

The infrastructure providing business is less risky, than that in chemistry and petrochemistry producing. The profits are less than those in chemical industry (see Graph 5).

Graph 5

Moreover, since the business is a specific one, it needs some special production facilities, assigned for chemistry. These are usually expensive, and not every small company can afford these. That's why industrial parks are a good decision for small and medium-sized companies, since in industrial parks they may concentrate around one infrastructure providing company and keep in mind only their core business, as presented at Fig 6.

Fig 6

6.0. Sales & Marketing

6.1. Promotional strategy

The objective of our communication is in attracting potential residents for location within the site territory, which provide us with at least two constant sources of profit: rent payments and payments for services provided.

If we consider the local companies (whatever their size is), both advertising and public relations work efficiently for promotion. Another characteristic feature here is that we intend to spend less money on advertising, paying more attention to public relations, which comprise non-paid communication effort, such as press releases, speeches at industry seminars, appearances by firm executives on radio and TV, etc. These media are extremely influential with customers, and in case of proper organization may save a lot of money, resulting in the same effect for the site development.

As for foreign companies, the publicity vehicle is hardly applicable, since it needs a lot of time and effort on the part of a developer, the immediate presence (providing personal contacts at different levels of business and political communities) at the global market let alone. So, the main emphasis in this case should be made on all types of advertising (internet, specialized magazines and other infomercials) and on promotion by means of participation in exhibitions and conferences on the subject of industrial property, since these are often attended by potential site residents.

The main principles underlying the “Himgrad” Industrial Park promotional strategy may be formulated as follows:

1. it should be aggressive, speedy and efficient in order to leave the competitors behind, to gain the vacant market niche, and to persuade the target customers in all the benefits they may gain from accommodating at the industrial park territory, the location unfamiliar to them before;

2. not a single promotional strategy should be created, but at least a two-sided one, each part of which aiming at covering one of the groups of the target customers;

3. the basis of the promotional strategy is in underlining the rational benefits of the site as target resident possible location;

4. the promotional strategy should be comprehensive and all-penetrating;

5. stableness and sustainability should become integral features of the promotional strategies. The developer should bear in mind the necessity for the promotional strategy to inform the target customers and to keep the information up-to-date, constantly reminding the target audience of the site, its benefits and whatever else needed;

6. the intangible benefits should be put on one of the frontlines of the project positioning;

7. international experience of industrial parks operation and management should be scrutinized and taken into account, making stipulation to the local market peculiarities.

The recommendations on the promotional strategy may be tabulated, the stipulation made that we consider the two promotional sub-strategies, aimed at addressing two groups of target customers (see Table 2).

Table 2

1st Substrategy

Local Companies

2nd Substrategy

Foreign/International Companies


Small and medium-sized local companies, occupied in chemical and petrochemical industries, processing certain types of polymers, produced on the Republic of Tatarstan territory

Medium-sized and big international and foreign companies, occupied in chemical and petrochemical industries, processing certain types of polymers, produced on the Republic of Tatarstan territory


To attract residents to unoccupied land plots and premises

To attract residents to unoccupied land plots and premises


“Himgrad” Industrial Park is one of the most convenient of all other locations for small and medium-sized companies occupied in chemical and petrochemical industries, because we provide the comprehensive services range along the entire customer value chain at comparatively low prices

“Himgrad” Industrial Park is one of the best possible locations for your company global expansion, providing the comprehensive services range along the entire customer value chain at comparatively low prices”.


Media Advertising

- TV

- Radio

- Newspaper

- Specialized Industrial Magazines

Direct Response and Interactive Advertising

- Mail

- Telephone

- Broadcast media

- Print media

- Computer-related

Place Advertising

- Billboards

- Posters


- Contests and dealer incentives

- Trade shows

- Exhibitions, seminars, conferences

Publicity and Public Relations

Media Advertising

- Specialized Industrial Magazines

Direct Response and Interactive Advertising

- Mail

- Print media

- Computer-related


- Contests and dealer incentives

- Trade shows

- Exhibitions, seminars, conferences


approx. $150-250 thousand at initial stages

then $40-60 thousand annually

approx. $200 thousand at initial stages

then $60-90 thousand annually


Attracted residents rents and service payments/amount of money spent on advertising for a period ratio;

Number of applications for lease;

Number of web-site applications

Attracted residents rents and service payments/amount of money spent on advertising for a period ratio;

Number of applications for lease;

Number of web-site applications

The table may serve as a core element of the “Himgrad” Industrial Park promotional strategy and an assessment medium for the steps taken by the company specialists in that direction.

A very important point is that the division of the project promotional strategy into two substrategies does not mean their absolute separation from one another. All the marketing communications program should be unified in terms of style and general principles of execution.

The main thing in the two substrategies separation is to concentrate on the criterion, which is of high-priority to the target group. For potential residents it is the level of their convenience, first, and the economizing effect as well (saving on taxes, on utilities prices and on rent level).

Another point, obligatory to mention, is connected with the promotional efforts efficiency evaluation. The problem here is that we cannot assess the short-term efficiency of our efforts. The reason for this is, predominantly, the above described time gap between the point when the company realizes the requirement of location, relocation or further expansion and the point when the location decision is made by the company. Under such circumstances one cannot assess exactly which of the promotional efforts have led the potential resident to the site - it may be equally e.g. an advertisement in a last year's special industrial magazine, a name card of the company representative with a note “important” or “interesting” found somewhere, a web-site, an article in a local newspaper, a meeting at a specialized conference, etc.

Thus, the provided in table measurement media have a relative character. Nevertheless, they may serve as indirect promotional strategy assessment ratios.

Generally speaking, the main thing about the market under analysis is a very high price for any mistakes in the project promotion. So, every step taken should be thoughtfully considered and assessed.

Furthermore, since the customer tends to search for information everywhere, the promotional strategy should be carried out by means of different media channels, including even such as rumours sometimes.

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