на тему рефераты Информационно-образоательный портал
Рефераты, курсовые, дипломы, научные работы,
на тему рефераты
на тему рефераты
на тему рефераты
Проектування комп'ютера
p align="left">printf ("error: missing label %s\n", symbol);

exit (1);


return (labelAddress [i]);


int isNumber (char *string)


/* return 1 if string is a number */

int i;

return ( (sscanf (string, "%d", &i)) == 1);


/* Test register argument; make sure it's in range andf has no bad characters. */

void testRegArg (char *arg)


int num;

char c;

if (atoi (arg) < 0 || atoi (arg) > 7) {

printf ("error: register out of range\n");

exit (2);


if (sscanf (arg, "%d%c", &num, &c)! = 1) {

printf ("bad character in register argument\n");

exit (2);



/* Test addressField argument. */

void testAddrArg (char *arg)


int num;

char c;

/* test numeric addressField */

if (isNumber (arg)) {

if (sscanf (arg, "%d%c", &num, &c)! = 1) {

printf ("bad character in addressField\n");

exit (2);



} Додаток II (код симулятора)

/*Instruction-level simulator for the LC */

#include <stdio. h>

#include <stdlib. h>

#include <string>

#include <math. h>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

#define NUMMEMORY 65536 /* maximum number of words in memory */

#define NUMREGS 8 /* number of machine registers */

#define MAXLINELENGTH 1000

#define STACKDEPTH 32

#define ADD 0

#define NAND 1

#define LW 2

#define SW 3

#define BEQ 4

#define JALR 5

#define HALT 6

#define NOOP 7

#define div 8

#define imul 9

#define xidiv 10

#define andf 11

#define xorf 12

#define cmpge 13

#define jmae 14

#define jmnae 15

#define bsf 16

#define bsr 17

#define jne 18

#define push 19

#define pop 20

typedef struct stateStruct {

int pc;

int mem [NUMMEMORY];

int reg [NUMREGS];

int numMemory;

vector <int> sStack;

int ZF;

} stateType;

void printState (stateType *);

void run (stateType);

int convertNum (int);

int main (int argc, char *argv [])


int i;

char line [MAXLINELENGTH];

stateType state;

FILE *filePtr;

if (argc! = 2) {

printf ("error: usage: %s <machine-code file>\n", argv [0]);

exit (1);


/* initialize memories and registers */

for (i=0; i<NUMMEMORY; i++) {

state. mem [i] = 0;


for (i=0; i<NUMREGS; i++) {

state. reg [i] = 0;


state. ZF=0;

state. pc=0;

/* read machine-code file into instruction/data memory (starting at

address 0) */

filePtr = fopen (argv [1], "r");

if (filePtr == NULL) {

printf ("error: can't open file %s\n", argv [1]);

perror ("fopen");

exit (1);


for (state. numMemory=0; fgets (line, MAXLINELENGTH, filePtr)! = NULL;

state. numMemory++) {

if (state. numMemory >= NUMMEMORY) {

printf ("exceeded memory size\n");

exit (1);


if (sscanf (line, "%d", state. mem+state. numMemory)! = 1) {

printf ("error in reading address %d\n", state. numMemory);

exit (1);


printf ("memory [%d] =%d\n", state. numMemory, state. mem [state. numMemory]);


printf ("\n");

/* run never returns */

run (state);

return (0);


void run (stateType state)


int i;

int arg0, arg1, arg2, addressField;

int instructions=0;

int opcode;

int maxMem=-1; /* highest memory address touched during run */

for (; 1; instructions++) { /* infinite loop, exits when it executes halt */

printState (&state);

if (state. pc < 0 || state. pc >= NUMMEMORY) {

printf ("pc went out of the memory range\n");

exit (1);


maxMem = (state. pc > maxMem)? state. pc: maxMem;

/* this is to make the following code easier to read */

opcode = state. mem [state. pc] >> 22;

arg0 = (state. mem [state. pc] >> 19) & 0x7;

arg1 = (state. mem [state. pc] >> 16) & 0x7;

arg2 = state. mem [state. pc] & 0x7; /* only for add, nand */

addressField = convertNum (state. mem [state. pc] & 0xFFFF); /* for beq,

lw, sw */

state. pc++;

if (opcode == ADD) {

state. reg [arg2] = state. reg [arg0] + state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == NAND) {

state. reg [arg2] = ~ (state. reg [arg0] & state. reg [arg1]);

} else if (opcode == LW) {

if (state. reg [arg0] + addressField < 0 ||

state. reg [arg0] + addressField >= NUMMEMORY) {

printf ("address out of bounds\n");

exit (1);


state. reg [arg1] = state. mem [state. reg [arg0] + addressField];

if (state. reg [arg0] + addressField > maxMem) {

maxMem = state. reg [arg0] + addressField;


} else if (opcode == SW) {

if (state. reg [arg0] + addressField < 0 ||

state. reg [arg0] + addressField >= NUMMEMORY) {

printf ("address out of bounds\n");

exit (1);


state. mem [state. reg [arg0] + addressField] = state. reg [arg1];

if (state. reg [arg0] + addressField > maxMem) {

maxMem = state. reg [arg0] + addressField;


} else if (opcode == BEQ) {

if (state. reg [arg0] == state. reg [arg1]) {

state. pc += addressField;


} else if (opcode == JALR) {

state. reg [arg1] = state. pc;

if (arg0! = 0)

state. pc = state. reg [arg0];


state. pc = 0;

} else if (opcode == NOOP) {

} else if (opcode == HALT) {

printf ("machine halted\n");

printf ("total of %d instructions executed\n", instructions+1);

printf ("final state of machine: \n");

printState (&state);

exit (0);

} else if (opcode == xidiv) {

state. reg [arg2] = state. reg [arg0] / state. reg [arg1];

state. reg [arg0] ^=state. reg [arg1] ^=state. reg [arg0] ^=state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == div) {

state. reg [arg2] = (unsigned) state. reg [arg0] / (unsigned) state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == imul) {

state. reg [arg2] = state. reg [arg0] * state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == andf) {

state. reg [arg2] = state. reg [arg0] & state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == xorf) {

state. reg [arg2] = state. reg [arg0] xor state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == cmpge) {

state. reg [arg2] = state. reg [arg0] >= state. reg [arg1];

} else if (opcode == jmae) {

if ( (unsigned) state. reg [arg0] >= (unsigned) state. reg [arg1])

state. pc += addressField;

} else if (opcode == jmnae) {

if ( (unsigned) state. reg [arg0] < (unsigned) state. reg [arg1])

state. pc += addressField;

} else if (opcode == bsf) {

state. ZF=0;

for (i=0; i<31; i++) {

if (state. reg [arg0] %2==1) {

state. ZF=1;

state. reg [arg1] =i;



else {

state. reg [arg0] =state. reg [arg0] >>1;



} else if (opcode == bsr) {

state. ZF=0;

for (i=31; i>0; i--) {

if (state. reg [arg0] /0x80000000==1) {

state. ZF=1;

state. reg [arg1] =i;



else {

state. reg [arg0] =state. reg [arg0] <<1;



} else if (opcode == jne) {

if (state. ZF! =0) state. pc = addressField;

} else if (opcode == push) {

if (state. sStack. size () > STACKDEPTH - 1)


printf ("\nerror: stack overflow! 0x%x\n", opcode);

printf ("total of %d instructions executed\n", instructions+1);

printf ("final state of machine: \n");

printState (&state);

exit (1);


else state. sStack. push_back (state. reg [1]);

} else if (opcode == pop) {

if (state. sStack. empty ())


printf ("\nerror: stack underflow! 0x%x\n", opcode);

printf ("total of %d instructions executed\n", instructions+1);

printf ("final state of machine: \n");

printState (&state);

exit (1);




state. reg [1] = state. sStack. back ();

state. sStack. pop_back ();


} else {

printf ("error: illegal opcode 0x%x\n", opcode);

exit (1);


state. reg [0] = 0;




printState (stateType *statePtr)


int i;

printf ("\n@@@\nstate: \n");

printf ("\tpc %d\n", statePtr->pc);

printf ("\t\tZF = %d\n",statePtr->ZF);

vector <int>:: iterator stackiter;

printf ("\tstack: \n");

for (stackiter = statePtr->sStack. begin (), i = 0; stackiter < statePtr->sStack. end (); stackiter++, i++) {

printf ("\t\tstek [%d] %d\n", i, *stackiter);


printf ("\tmemory: \n");

for (i=0; i<statePtr->numMemory; i++) {

printf ("\t\tmem [%d] %d\n", i, statePtr->mem [i]);


printf ("\tregisters: \n");

for (i=0; i<NUMREGS; i++) {

printf ("\t\treg [%d] %d\n", i, statePtr->reg [i]);


printf ("end state\n");


int convertNum (int num)


/* convert a 16-bit number into a 32-bit Sun integer */

if (num & (1<<15)) {

num - = (1<<16);


return (num);


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